SVR Token
SVR Token Overview
Maximum Supply: 100,000,000 Initial Supply: 5,000,000 Initial Price: $0.001 Launch Date: Christmas Day 2023 Contract address:0x0ec2EF724990804260157AeDbF7e5386C1f4B260 UNI V3 fluidity
Token distribution
SVR Token Team Lock
0x5E8318A79ACc9B1460262098Ae87a5c9Fd1166A8 20,000,000 Unlock 2.5% every 6 months for a total of 48 months
SVR token holder reward lock
0xA30c1407D3a0ffeF02B13446a076b593Df2cA8ec 30,000,000 Unlock 1% every 1 months for a total of 30 months
Airdrop distribution address
0x5E8318A79ACc9B1460262098Ae87a5c9Fd1166A8 40,000,000 NFTR holders whitelist (Platinum version), community pioneers, TWitter and other media activities are airdropped and distributed.
SVR token Community operations
5,000,000 Community operations
UNI V3 fluidity
0x9A9EEd10c8042e26634a2dD3a84392c7a29C36f8 5,000,000 UNI V3 fluidity
Buy back and destroy
Token Issuance and Core Value Proposition
Token Model To actively promote community engagement, we plan to introduce our unique native token, SVR TOKEN. This token will serve as the fundamental digital asset within the Discord community, representing users' rights and participation in the project.
Token Utility SVR TOKEN will have multiple use cases within the project, including but not limited to:
Purchasing VR devices and products.
Participating in community voting to influence project direction.
Acquiring virtual assets such as NFTR (Name: New World).
Serving as a payment method for community rewards, competitions, and activities.
Furthermore, after the launch of the app in 2023, additional powerful features will be unlocked.
Token Buyback and Burn To maintain token stability and control supply, following the release and market placement of the SVR product, each set of activated and used SVR tokens will mint a NFTR(New World). We will establish the following mechanism: for every minted NFTR (New World), 1,000 SVR TOKENs will be repurchased and burned. This process will gradually reduce the total supply, increasing token scarcity and perceived value.
Token Holding Incentive Rewards Token holding incentive rewards will be based on the previous month's average daily wallet holdings, calculated on the first business day of each month and distributed according to the proportion of the total circulating token supply. A total of 30 months, with a monthly reward rate of 1%. The minimum holding requirement is 100,000 TOKENs, and users holding less than 100,000 SVR tokens will not be eligible for holding rewards. (Daily average value for the month)
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